Well, our trip has come to an end and we are safely back home. It was an exhausting trip-too much driving! While I'm glad we were able to go with Artie, things didn't go terribly smoothly most of the week-from forgetting Spencer's formula on an hour and a half trip to the mountains to Avery having diarrhea on the car ride home (the kind that goes through the diaper, clothes and down the legs into shoes), there was never a dull moment. It was nice to get Spencer some traveling experience, though.
Busy week ahead as we prepare for Avery's birthday party this weekend (a week before her actual birthday since we have a family wedding that day) and Artie and I's 6 year anniversary!
I will let the pictures tell the story of the 2nd half of our trip...
The White Mountains, North Conway, New Hampshire
This is a view of Mt. Washington as we drove up to the mountains Thursday night. It's the tallest peak in the eastern US and has the worst weather in the world (you can see the blur of the snow it was getting)!
Salem, MA: We made a quick stop in Salem-which has been a place I have always wanted to visit due to my love affair with Halloween and history! Let's just say it didn't go as planned. We got a late start (due to my husband's job, of course) which threw everything off-kids' naps, etc.-and this led to a disaster when we tried to tour a famous part of history.
This is the House of the Seven Gables. It has a ton of history to it and I have always wanted to tour it. Well, we headed in and got our tickets. Avery was doing well while we waited, chatting with everyone else waiting to go in our tour group. Then we started the tour-with Monotone Joe as our tour guide-and Avery instantly wanted to touch everything, which you CAN'T DO! Long story short, we ended up stuck in a very small space with about 12-15 other people and Avery decided to have one of her famous tantrums. It came out of nowhere and there was nothing we could do to get her to stop screaming at the top of her lungs. The tour guide stopped and stared at us. And as I apologized at least twice to everyone, I got stone faces and people that looked like they were ready to put us on trial as the worst parents ever! After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only 2 minutes, of Avery's fit Artie said he would take her and Spencer out so I could at least finish the tour. As this was happening, a lady on the tour made a big scene and yelled that this was ridiculous and stormed out saying she was going to take another tour-even as Artie told her he was taking Avery out. Yikes, I still went on the rest of the tour, but spent the entire time trying not to completely crumple in a pile and cry my eyes out. Not only was I so upset about Avery throwing a fit (which in her defense it was during her nap time and we had been traveling that morning), but I was really upset at the way the people on the tour treated us-do you mean to tell me not one of those people ever had kids??-the tour guide also treated us terrible and I'm going to be giving them a piece of my mind! Anyway, the tantrums continue and I'm still taking any suggestions!
Campbell, OH: We stopped in Campbell on our way back to Fort Wayne to visit our favorite Ohio family:) Cindy and Tom were so great to let us stay with them to help break up our drive home...and we got to meet Colten! We had a great time-though way too short of a visit. Along with Cindy's parents, Mr. & Mrs. C., they threw Avery an early birthday party and it was so wonderful!
Avery blowing out her candles...this girl showed off her tantrums to Cindy, Tom and her parents during dinner! She had to be woke up from her nap early to have dinner and was not happy about it! She came around though and the party was so nice-thank you, you all are so wonderful to my children (and us!), we love you!
Random pics...
So since we have been home Spencer is obsessed with trying to roll over. He is actually losing sleep because he wants to roll over so bad! Now he has taken to side sleeping:)
Enjoy the first week of October!
glad you all were able to visit with cindy:) sorry that avery did not feel well.... that must have just been awful....
life with little ones- never a dull moment huh?
Wow -sorry about the rude people in Salem! What a bummer- I too get so annoyed when people can't understand that children are children and are going to have tantrums and then they end up acting like children themselves!! It is sad!! I don't know about you- but when I went to Salem a few years back I was disappointed b/c I had been hoping for more- I did miss the house of the 7 Gables so maybe that was my mistake...
Sorry to hear about the trip back but it looks like you had fun with Cindy and celebrating Avery's bday! Tell Spencer good luck with the rolling over but to try not too lose too much sleep over it!
Hope you have a good weekend with the birthday party and celebrating your anniversary!!
True, Megs, NEVER a dull moment:)!
KTP-you know, I really was a little disappointed, I wanted more history and since October had just begun, it was basically Halloween Town:( Though, I'm not complaining much about that since I love Halloween, just wanted more emphasis on the real history and not just the made up stuff...
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