Monday, February 21, 2011

First Park Time of 2011

We got our first taste of spring this past weekend.  Thank goodness we were able to get out and see what spring can be like since, as I type this, we are in the middle of another winter weather advisory.  The snow is coming down outside and it seems impossible that we were just out at the park in 50 degree weather only a few days ago.

Avery had a weekend off from tennis due to a tournament being held at the racquet club so we took the kids to play at the Y and Avery way so excited to see that the park they have on their grounds was finally open!

Here's all the fun we had...







Spencer is still learning his way around the playground and just recently he has started actually going down slides on his little behind-before he would turn around and go down on his stomach. Well, mommy was more concerned about getting a picture of his first time down the slide on his bottom at a real park (instead of indoor play areas) that I accidentally hit record on my phone and, well, caught this on camera...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cupcakes and Computer Time

The kids and I made some cupcakes not long ago to use the pink spray frosting we picked up in the Valentine's section at Target (and to use up some red sprinkles left over from Christmas).  Avery is very big into helping with whatever Artie or I are doing, which can be nice:)  Now, Spencer is in the mode where he wants to do anything and everything that his big sister is doing.  So, I pulled up a bench for the kids to reach the counter and they both helped decorate.

 This is what one cupcake (and eventually a few more) looked like after Mr. Spencer started sticking his fingers in the frosting...
 He's showing me the frosting on his fingers and I just couldn't help but laugh a little bit:) Just excuse Spencer's "flash face"!
 Avery's trying to show him the ropes of how to get the perfect sprinkle pattern. Spencer ended up discovering that the frosting on his fingers made a good glue for the sprinkles to stick to his hand (he hasn't quite got down the pinched-finger needed to sprinkle) and he soon got the hang of it...
 Two sweet little hands decorating cupcakes. I love, love, love moments like these with my kids!
 Happy little munchkins after the job was done:) Big smiles while they both say "cheese"!
 I had to show what Spencer did the other night with a much pinker cupcake we had gotten them as a special treat. Let me tell you, it took a lot of bleach to get the pink out of my counter! Spencer headed right to the bath and still had some pink lingering!

My kids have recently discovered the plethora of "educational" games online. I don't know why I had tried to keep them from this as long as possible, but, I did.  That is, until Avery started asking me to get online after being able to understand the advertisements for it after watching Nick Jr., Disney, and even PBS.  So, I have caved and my kids get to have a little bit of game time now on the computer.  I know many of you have kids that do this.  I'm not against the computer games, I think I'm resistant to a) my kids growing up and being able to use a computer and b) the changing times of technology.  It's silly, a bit, but now I'm coming along and the kids are enjoying the fun that playing on the computer brings!
 They even fit in the computer chair together:) I recently got a different computer so now the kids have my old laptop just for their games. Artie even found an external mouse to use with it (that works with macs!) for dirt cheap at Best Buy-Avery has a bit of trouble using a track pad.
Spencer's pointing out where Avery should click here. It's so cute watching them work together:) I've been working with Avery on using the mouse and she's doing a pretty good job. If you can't tell from most pictures, Avery's our little lefty. It's been a bit difficult actually trying to help her with this because everyone else in the house is very right hand dominant. We're trying to really let her embrace it and try to be mindful of it when there are little things-like the difference in using a mouse-that arise. If there's any advice out there on how to nurture a little lefty (I know at least a few regular readers that are left-handed!), I'm all ears:)!  Though, she may end up being right-handed after all, she is only 3!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day celebration! And a special thank you to Megs for the adorable new header on the blog:)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


We survived the big snow storm of the winter.  I can definitely say, though, that I am SICK of snow.  Not only did we get a foot of snow, but we had lots of sleet under and on top of that snow which made it so hard to shovel our very long driveway.  Thankfully, Artie's work was closed yesterday (day after the blizzard) and we were able to work together to clear our driveway-though he lasted longer than me.  A few hours after we finished, wouldn't you know the plow came through our neighborhood and plowed our drive shut, so poor Artie had to go out in the dark and shovel it clear so he could get out to get to work today.  I don't have any pictures of our drive, but I did get one of the dogs in the backyard... 

 Domer isn't that bothered by the snow because he's bigger. Ace, on the other hand, doesn't like it all and waited until Domer made a worn down path before he'd venture out more than 5 inches from the door to go to the bathroom!

Other pictures from the last week:
 Spencer enjoying a chocolate cupcake after dinner one night.  I just love the smile:)

 Finally getting a picture up of Avery at tennis lessons-and it's not even a very good one!  She's the one all the way on the far end of the court in pink-they're working on volleys.  She just started her second session a few weeks ago and has improved so much since starting in November!

 The kids having snack time in a laundry basket.  These two have so much fun with a such a simple household item!!

 Avery used the laundry basket as a comfy spot to relax after ballet class this week!

 While running some errands last weekend, Spencer fell asleep in the car-not unusual for him.  When Artie brought him in the house and put him on the couch, he rolled over and stayed like this, sleeping!

 Thanks to cousin Garrett, the kids have discovered their love for Super Why on PBS.  We had coupons for Toys R Us so while there looking around I found Super Why kits on sale and we got them for just over 4 bucks! Here's Spencer modeling his-each kit came with a wand that says phrases and makes sounds, a cape, and Spencer's came with a mask.

 Avery picked out the pink princess one-of course-and hers came with a crown.

 Trying to get a picture of the two of them...still have trouble with that one:)

Spencer spent a whole day wanting to wear Avery's crown-much to the dislike of Artie. But, I thought it was so cute and Spencer couldn't have been happier! These are the kinds of things that happen when you're a boy with an older sister, just ask my brother-who had two older sisters!

Hope everyone's February is off to a great start (minus the weather!)!!