Saturday, March 19, 2011

Disney On Ice-Princess Edition

This girl was very excited for her first ice show experience and I couldn't think of any better way to introduce her to the wonderful world of figure skating than to see Disney Princesses On Ice! 


We had seats high up so that Spencer wouldn't disturb too many people if he got cranky-which, he did-but they were still really good seats!  The show was over 2 hours, including an intermission, so it was a long time for the kids to sit still.  Spencer had to leave the arena a few times from just getting a bit too restless, but we had snacks that kept him busy most of the time.  Avery bopped in her seat and was probably most excited to see Mickey and Minnie who had cameos to introduce the show and conclude it.

I managed to snag some pretty good pictures so here is a sampling of what we got to see!





p.s. Thank you for all of the well wishes with my surgery and recovery.  I have to say I think it has been harder to get better from this than my two c-sections.  If you can avoid nasal surgery, please do.  After 11 days, I was finally able to sort of taste a little bit of my dinner last night.  I can't put into words how frustrating it is to not be able to breathe, smell, or taste for that long.  By this weekend though, almost 2 weeks out from surgery, I am finally getting energy back and starting to get my senses back.  I'm still pretty swollen so I don't know if everything worked but I have my stitches out and finally all of my bandages off.  I really hope it worked because regardless, I will not go through this surgery again if I can help it!  Once my swelling goes down some more I'll get some pictures up:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy 32nd!

Today, it's this guys birthday!


He's kind of liked around here and we hope that he has a wonderful day!

Happy 32nd Birthday, Artie:)!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Surgery

So, I might have mentioned a few (or more) posts ago that I would be having surgery to fix some issues with my nose.  Well that time finally came yesterday:(  The procedure took about an hour and a half and the recovery was rough.  I cried because I couldn't breathe out of my nose and had a bit of a panic attack-fyi, not good right after surgery!  I joke that this is the closest I'll ever be to a celebrity because I can now understand what they feel like getting all of those nose jobs done, but the procedure is no joke.  I don't know why anyone would really elect to have this done and be this uncomfortable!  I know one thing for sure, I will NOT be having any elective plastic surgery!  My nose is swollen shut and I have drainage constantly running out, plus a headache from all of the pressure.  Not to mention I have stitches and bandaging that isn't super flattering-and no ability to taste!  I am thankful though that everything seemed to go okay and I just hope that what I had done works because I will not be doing this again (well, never say never, but at least right now I'm saying no!).  I feel lame for saying I had a deviated septum because that's what we hear all the stars have in order to get their nose jobs.  But, really, mine was in the shape of an "S" and had caused one of my nostrils to collapse.  Here's a before picture:


This picture is from my first mother's day and as you can see in my nose it was the right side that had collapsed in from the weight of the deviated septum.  I'm really anxious to see what my nose looks like after the bandages come off and the swelling goes down.  I don't go in for my stitches to be removed until next Tuesday so sometime after that I will have an "after" picture for you all.  The goal of this was to help me breathe better, not to fix the appearance of my nose, but my surgeon said he would try to straighten it if he could so I'm really anxious to see if I can tell a difference!  I turn 30 at the end of the month, so it would be nice to have endured all of this and not be so self-conscious of my turned nose, but we shall see!

Luckily, Artie has taken the next week off so I can focus on healing and don't have any accidents while taking care of the kids-they seem to always find a nose to bump.  I did pick a pretty good week for this though.  Since I'm going to be so laid up for at least the rest of this week, I have the Big East tournament to watch and tennis brackets to fill out for the Indian Wells tournament that starts this weekend!  We also have tickets to take the kids to Disney Princesses on Ice this Saturday and Artie's birthday is Sunday!  I won't be able to hide in the house until my bandages come off, that's for sure!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!

Friday, March 4, 2011


After I envied so many of you and others with their little girls in dance classes, it's so nice to be able to finally have Avery in ballet.  She's not yet the most graceful or attentive, but she loves it and I love watching her.

Our Little Ballerina 


Some pictures were taken through the window of the studio where parents watch, but still some glimpses of the dance her class is doing to "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" complete with umbrellas.  The blue and pink dresses other girls are wearing are their recital costumes and Avery can't wait to wear hers!  I'm looking forward to hopefully many more years of dance recitals!
