Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blue Skies Smilin' At Me

Well, smilin' at anyone lucky enough to be in this unseasonably warm weather!

The kids can sense the rarity that this weather is.

So I'm constantly bugged to go outside.

I don't mind, it's great weather to bring out the sidewalk chalk.

Look mom, it's warm enough not to wear a coat!

Getting to play with a new bubble wand in November...


Priceless, times 2!

In unrelated weather updates: Avery is officially potty trained!! She has started ballet and tennis lessons and Spencer has started swim lessons (pics of all to come). We're busy around here, and hopefully it will keep my mind off the impending winter still to come!


Megs said...

YEAH! Way to go Avery!!:) I know how nice it is to now have one in diapers:)
Glad you all are enjoying this weather!

Katie said...

Congrats on the potty training Avery!!! Yes the weather has been great! Dylan has also been asking to go out a lot too- which is fine by me... just worried what we'll do when it gets really cold...

Carol said...

Congrats, Avery and mommy! We've also been enjoying the weather---I know it can't last.