Courtesy of Grandma, Avery and Spencer have brand new-very awesome and much needed-CD players!! Thank you so much, Grandma...these will get lots and lots of use:)
Spencer had his second check up with his pediatric surgeon today. He's gaining weight really well, weighing in at 11lbs 5.5oz with only 9 days to go until he's 3 months old!! We got the OK to go ahead and start transitioning him to regular formula-which means we mix his pregestimil with regular formula for awhile and monitor his bowel movements very carefully (to make sure he is properly absorbing the food). It's so stressful and my nerves are really frazzled right now. I still worry about his heart murmur (PFO) and he still has hydrocele (fluid around his testicles) which is really making me nervous that it hasn't gone away yet-there is a chance that it will have to surgically be taken care of if it doesn't absorb on its own...oh lord:( So, overall his appointment went really well. We are focusing right now on getting him transitioned. He's had two feedings today with the mix-he threw up once after the second one so I a bit worried. I guess we'll have to see. If the transition doesn't go well...he'll be on pregestimil until he transitions to milk. My worry is that if this transition doesn't go well, how will he transition to solids and milk-man I am just in a pretty worried state of mind right now.
In Avery news...she's seriously getting smarter every day and continuing to amaze us with everything she does and knows!! She had a few falls today and has ended up with a pretty serious fat lip-I think she has the soul of a fearless little boy sometimes:) The timeout chair has been our friend lately due to Avery's LOUD screams when she's mad or frustrated-it's seriously earth shattering noise! Due to mommy's very nervous demeanor this week, we have decided to postpone potty training. I just don't think I'm ready! We continue to talk about the potty and give her the option of sitting on it, but we aren't getting serious-I'm going to wait until she's 2 and really seems to be interested!!
Enjoy the second half of the week:) xo, steph
hang in there steph! I will be thinking of spencer as you transition him!
and you are SMART about avery- don't push potty training- those I have talked to that have said it actually delayed the potty training.... avery will let you know when she is ready- and it may not be until she is past two....
keep smiling!
Good luck with the transitioning Steph- I hope all goes well! Just remember to take it one step at a time.
Want to try to get Dylan and Avery together so they can scream at each other during their tantrums and we don't have to listen to them?!?
I love Avery's room; you did such a great job on her letters of her name! And those CD players are perfect - I have never seen anything like that. I'm sure that both Avery and Spencer will enjoy those for years. Congrats on transitioning Spencer; that is a big step! I know things are different because of all Spencer has gone through, but I wouldn't be too concerned about spit up. Colten has bad reflux but is healthy and gaining weight like crazy. I'm sure that Spencer will be fine too; in fact, weight-wise, he is doing wonderfully! We will keep praying though for him and you. Good idea on postponing Avery's potty training. You don't need anymore stress and neither does she. I'm sure she will tell you when she is really ready. Give our love to everyone!
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