Let me just preface this with the fact that we are SO glad to have our Spencer home with us and are enjoying having our family together instead of dividing time between home and the hospital. That said...holy cow, having two kids 19 months apart is a HUGE adjustment!! Why didn't anyone tell me??!!-okay, just kidding because so many of you with kids close in age "warned" me! Whew, I am totally overwhelmed and so scared for my first day by myself with the two kids tomorrow. Trying to get Spencer adjusted to being home has been very difficult too. He is really used to the nurses at the hospital picking him up when he cries, thus expecting us to do the same-needless to say, he cries ALOT! We are not used to this because Avery was a very easy going baby that rarely cried and slept through the night at 8 weeks. I don't know if that will happen with Spencer, as we have some work to do to break him of early habits learned from the hospital. I know that this adjustment will take some time for all of us. I can by no means complain, though I am extremely sleep deprived and needing about 12 extra hours in a day! I hope that we can settle into a good routine very soon!
Hope everyone enjoyed the 4th...we contemplated checking out the fireworks, but decided against it because we're so nuts trying to keep up with feeding, changing and entertaining two kids (plus keeping an extra close eye on big sister because she likes to "explore" her brother-i.e. poke him in the eye, pull his hair, etc-though it's not malicious!!)!
If anyone knows about a baby who cries ALOT it's me : > Feel free to call anytime, even just to vent. I know exactly what you mean about being so happy yet frustrated and overwhelmed and exhausted at the same time. Love the pics of Spencer and Avery. I won't bother you, but call as soon as you're up to it. I can't wait to talk to you! Lots of love!
ps - did you guys get the gifts?
I hope everything gets better for you- it makes total sense to be overwhelmed especially with Spencer having to learn a new routine outside of the hospital. You all look great though, and I'm sure it'll get better:)
Oh, is that carrier the Moby carrier? I just got it the other day but am totally overwhelmed as to how to wear it....
P.S. I sat Elizabeth down on my lap to read your blog- gave her a little lesson in what having a baby brother really looks like- so thanks! I think she remembered Avery from a few months back:)
Hang in there. As you guys develop a routine things will become more managable. It is great to see pics of all of you guys together.
on a side note: I make the tutus. they are super easy. I'll try to make Avery one once my wrist is better. For now, I can't cut with scissors so I am out of business at the moment.
(Sorry Steph...It's Nicole. I didn't realize I was posting under Jim's sign in)
Hang in there- it gets easier:) As I type this though... I am a little scared myself after having baby Grace in my arms and Luke and Drew scurrying around me! I too would also know what the baby carrier is... thanks Nickey for sending me your info- I am researching, and need to make a decision soon:)
Lots of love!
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