I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty down in the dumps. I'm sad and just when I think I can't be any more sad, I can. My family is torn apart and Avery doesn't even get to see her brother. Spencer is 2 weeks old today. I hardly feel like I had a baby anymore and being pregnant seems like a very distant memory (any pain from the c-section is pretty much numbed from the emotional pain). Spencer is my last baby, I won't have any more and I'm not getting to enjoy the very important first weeks of his life-then again, I'm always counting my blessings that he's here to turn 2 weeks. My heart breaks for our little trooper, he's wanting to eat so bad-and can't until next Wednesday...then we're playing another waiting game to see how well he eats, how well his bowel handles the food, and then maybe we can take him home. If there are any problems with him starting to eat again, he may remain in the hospital until he has his second surgery-which is honestly a thought I can't bare. At minimum-if everything goes perfectly (which we know it hasn't for Spencer, so I'm really not counting on anything) he will be in the NICU for 2 more weeks. Right now, we are desperately praying for feedings to go well and to be able to take him home for a little bit and have an out patient surgery. If he has his surgery while he's still in the hospital, who knows how much longer he'll be in there. Frankly, I'm so angry right now. I cry everyday and feel like we're getting nowhere-each day is just maintaining status quo. We're simply waiting for his antibiotics to be done so he can start eating.
This will be the last post for awhile, unless anything major happens between now and him starting to eat. I'm just so upset, I don't know what to say anymore, I don't know what to think or what to believe-other than I know I have an amazing son (my daughter is pretty awesome too). I'll leave you with a few pictures and a desperate plea that we only get good news from here on out.
We are praying so hard for Spencer and your family. I don't know what else to say than, may God hold you in the palm of His hand and help you through this hard time.
And maybe this~ my high school religion teacher had these comments for me when I went to her with some stuff I'm dealing with and although hard advice to follow I find comfort in it every day~
Three things, Steph: First, praise God for Spencer's very difficult situation. When things go wrong, praise God! It is our way of expressing trust in His ability and power to turn things around for us. Second, don't try to fix anything - that's God's job. Your job is to achieve peace of heart in the face of things so that you can be your family's haven of peace amidst all this turmoil. Achieve peace for yourself and your family will find peace from yours. Third, spend extra time with God and talk to Him all you want! Ask Him to be Lord of this entire situation.
We love you guys!
KTP, Dylan, and Brian
The road may seem SO long right now Steph. I know so much how we just look at the future and think of how LONG it will seem until Spencer comes home.
Please take it...
Every moment with Spencer- make it count.
Every moment with Avery- make it count.
Every moment with Artie- make it count.
I can not stress this enough.
You can bring yourself down with all the "what if's".
You will become angry.
You will become sad.
You will become distant.
I know from experience.
Focus on the little things- Avery's laugh, Spencer's tiny hands, Artie's kiss.
Seriously- because then you will smile, and know that this will not defeat you.
You will get through this as a family.
You will get through this as a mom.
And as KTP said- find strength in God.
I do truly believe he carried our family several times in Luke's journey, and still does.
We love you very much,
Brother and Sister... just can't say much more... How Special!
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