Thursday, March 5, 2009

What the H@#$???

Does anyone watch Lost?  I don't know why I do, I'm torturing myself.  This season promised that things would be clear and questions would be answered.  So far, really no questions have been answered, just more questions are being asked-like what the H-E-double hockey sticks!!  I'm so frustrated.  The material of the show is confusing enough, can't they just fill us in on what is going on instead of constantly back tracking and raising new questions.  Thank god there is only one more season after this so I won't have to be driven crazy for too much longer since it's a sickness that I'm even still watching this show!!  Thank you for letting me get that off my chest:)


Katie said...

Haha- I feel your pain Steph!! I completely agree- yeah right on answers!! Lost is one of the only shows I allow myself to watch anymore and I'm getting frustrated too- funny I thought the same thing- at least only one more year!! You would think if we were that frustrated we would just stop watching!! haha- guess not!!!

Christine:) said...

I don't watch it, but my dad is a huge fan- nearly every time I see him, he's telling me about it and trying to get me to watch. He seems like he has the same frustrations as you! lol.