We survived the big snow storm of the winter. I can definitely say, though, that I am SICK of snow. Not only did we get a foot of snow, but we had lots of sleet under and on top of that snow which made it so hard to shovel our very long driveway. Thankfully, Artie's work was closed yesterday (day after the blizzard) and we were able to work together to clear our driveway-though he lasted longer than me. A few hours after we finished, wouldn't you know the plow came through our neighborhood and plowed our drive shut, so poor Artie had to go out in the dark and shovel it clear so he could get out to get to work today. I don't have any pictures of our drive, but I did get one of the dogs in the backyard...
Domer isn't that bothered by the snow because he's bigger. Ace, on the other hand, doesn't like it all and waited until Domer made a worn down path before he'd venture out more than 5 inches from the door to go to the bathroom!
Other pictures from the last week:
Spencer enjoying a chocolate cupcake after dinner one night. I just love the smile:)
Finally getting a picture up of Avery at tennis lessons-and it's not even a very good one! She's the one all the way on the far end of the court in pink-they're working on volleys. She just started her second session a few weeks ago and has improved so much since starting in November!
The kids having snack time in a laundry basket. These two have so much fun with a such a simple household item!!
Avery used the laundry basket as a comfy spot to relax after ballet class this week!
While running some errands last weekend, Spencer fell asleep in the car-not unusual for him. When Artie brought him in the house and put him on the couch, he rolled over and stayed like this, sleeping!
Thanks to cousin Garrett, the kids have discovered their love for Super Why on PBS. We had coupons for Toys R Us so while there looking around I found Super Why kits on sale and we got them for just over 4 bucks! Here's Spencer modeling his-each kit came with a wand that says phrases and makes sounds, a cape, and Spencer's came with a mask.
Avery picked out the pink princess one-of course-and hers came with a crown.
Trying to get a picture of the two of them...still have trouble with that one:)
Spencer spent a whole day wanting to wear Avery's crown-much to the dislike of Artie. But, I thought it was so cute and Spencer couldn't have been happier! These are the kinds of things that happen when you're a boy with an older sister, just ask my brother-who had two older sisters!
Hope everyone's February is off to a great start (minus the weather!)!!