Saturday, January 10, 2009

Where's your nose??

Avery is learning where things are on her body.  It's so funny to watch her pull up her shirt when you ask her where her belly button is.  Even funnier is when you ask her where her nose is...instead of pointing to it, she sticks her finger straight up in it!  It looks like she's picking, but she isn't...yet!  Avery has also had another accomplishment this week.  She has learned to drink out of a straw.  It happened overnight basically with a little coaxing from Starbucks.  We had been experimenting with the straw for a few weeks, but then Artie brought home a drink from Starbucks-a strawberry creme frappuccino (no caffiene!)- and Avery wanted it so bad, she tackled the straw and now loves drinking out of them!  Pictures of that to come...
Here are a few other pictures from our weekend...

Here is the famous "where's the nose" shot! She also has one of her favorite bath toys in hand...a bath crayon from Aunt Cindy-she's becoming a real Picasso in the tub!

Avery earlier today, playing the drums on daddy's Rock Band drum set.

These are our was just such a cute photo opportunity.  They're sharing the rug in front of our patio door-the one they go out-watching for squirrels probably with their chew toy between them:)

A peek-a-boo picture from after breakfast-look at those blue eyes!

This is what our camera does to Avery when the flash is on. It is so annoying, we miss so many great photo opps because the flash is too much for her to handle.  I did think this one turned out cute anyway...


Megs said...

avery has the cutest smile! i also love the striped outfit:) have fun with the learning of body parts- that was such a fun stage!

Katie said...

I agree- super cute picture!! Even despite the flash problems!!!